Embodiment Basics & Beyond
An online course that awakens your body to new possibilities.
Grow bigger, trust yourself, come alive.
You came here to remember who you are

What if you could let yourself be free and wildly alive, from moment to moment, without hesitation or doubt?​
You are not meant to be stuck.
To feel cut off from joy, playfulness, and a deep sense of presence.
You are meant to be free, clear, and strong. To meet life with an unwavering sense of self.
And the body is the key. It holds wisdom, presence, and the capacity to adapt and move with life.
It’s time to get back there and remember.
What this is
An online journey you do in your own space at your own time.
4 modules comprised of 35 videos, 13 audio practices, journal prompts, and home practice
designed to take you on an embodied journey of deep transformation and personal awakening.
This course will help you grow up.
It will give you a powerful embodied way of working with reactions, emotions, challenges, and energy.
You will leave bigger, stronger, and deeply empowered to meet whatever life throws at you.
This is for you if....
You desire an embodied foundation of somatic tools & practices. ​​
You've hit a plateau and you sense that the body is what's missing.
You feel called to step into your own becoming.
You want more fluidity and flexibility with your emotions.
You want a greater sense of agency, choice, and possibility when you face challenges.
You feel a lack of vibrancy in your life.
You long to trust yourself.

This is not a course that will teach you how to control your emotions, how to calm things down, or how to make things less. This course is about more.....

The body is the key
Everything in this course is taught through the lens of the body because it is the most powerful way of working.​
​It will show you the ways you fight the currents of life and all the pathways of possibility back to you.
We become the shape of our experiences.
Our history, beliefs, and stories are not just in our minds but embodied experiences that have found a home in our muscles, postures, voice, and ways of being. We can become identified with these patterns, forgetting who we are.
The beautiful thing is, that shape is not fixed.
We can transform, liberate, and connect back to the truth of who we are.
We can take new shape.
This course is designed to give you all the tools to do just that. It is a solid foundation that goes far beyond the basics.
The Journey
MODULE 1: Building the container
Somatic awareness
Befriending the body
Cultivating safety
Developing your practice
5 videos & 5 audio practices
MODULE 2: Becoming more physical
Somatic opening
Movement practices
Working with resistance
Moving energy
Meeting what is
8 videos & 3 audio practices
MODULE 3: Increasing your capacity
Waking up your animal body
Building resilience
Working with reactions
Emotional courage
Growing up
15 videos & 2 audio practices
MODULE 4: Integration & alignment
Incorporating all the tools
Devotional practice
Making it your own
Aligning with your blueprint
Living the practice
7 videos & 3 audio practices
What you will also receive

A free 1:1 coaching session with me, as well as email support throughout the entire journey.
An embodied learning of somatic tools that will support you in remembering who you are, opening up more aliveness, choice, and possibility in your life.
A deeper trust in your own wisdom and knowing.
A clearer understanding of how you get stuck and how to free yourself.
A physical way of working with reactions, emotions, and energy.
A tangible capacity to meet challenges differently.
*You have this content forever, and as I learn and grow I will add to it.
If I learn a new tool that I think belongs in this course I'll send it to you. This work will grow and evolve and you will be included in it.

What makes the special
The power of working through the body is unparalleled.
When we do that…..life becomes tangible, physical, real.
You become powerful, capable, bigger.
Work at Your Own Pace
The body opens in its own time. You can take this course as slow as you want, you can pause, go back, or move ahead. You get to feel into right relationship to this content, every step of the way.
Redo & Review as Often as you Like
This material is yours for life. I will add and update as I see fit, but it will always be here for you.
Lasting Transformation
Have you ever taken a class, or had an experience that opens up a new possibility for you, only to find yourself right back in the same place again? Stuck in the same behavior, or having the same challenges?
When we work through the body, we go right to the root. The body is the interface with life, it is the thing we do all the doing with, so when that changes, everything else does too.
Your guide
Hello, Wild One
I'm Aspen
You and I are not made for an unlived life, we came here for more.
When I first started my healing journey I searched for a course that would give me a solid foundation in embodiment and somatic work. I couldn't find one.
So I took a lot of different classes, workshops, and courses. I read books, went on retreats, learned different modalities, and did somatic coaching and mentorships with practitioners and teachers that I respected. (And still do.)
I started to compile a wealth of tools and knowledge that I wanted to share with the world. I set out to create an online offering that held that very foundation I had been searching for when I first began.
Here it is.
This work is profound, deep, and life-changing. It changed mine, and I see it change the lives of those I work with every single day. Wholeness and connection within your being creates a greater capacity to connect to life, others, the earth, and the world.
It heals the planet.

Program Policies
This course is refundable only within the first 7 days of purchase. After that, there are no refunds.
I believe this course holds tremendous value, and that your life will be transformed by these tools and practices.
If you’re wondering if this program is right for you, I'd be more than happy to hop on a free call to feel into it with you. Contact me :)
I offer a scaled pricing structure so that more people can access this work.
For those with more than enough financial resources & desire to support access for others thank you for rebalancing!
Please choose the price that feels most appropriate to your circumstances.
The entire program is available the minute you complete your registration. (Payment plans available upon request)
- For those with currently limited financial resources
- For those with sufficient financial resources
- For those with more than enough financial resources
Can't decide?
Let's chat about this work and see if it's a good fit for you.
Schedule a free 15-minute phone call here.